The main advantage of using a crude oil and petroleum products pipeline transport is reflected in reduced fuel consumption, and thus in reduced emissions of pollutants and “greenhouse gases” into environment, that may have impacts on the climate characteristics at the local, regional and global level.
Within the crude oil and petroleum products transportation, pipeline transport is far ahead of conventional modes of transport, according to all performances and in particular environmental protection.
In accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection, the Company monitors indicators of its activities impact on the environment, and efficiency indicators of measures implemented to reduce the pollution levels.
Rationalization of the energy transport system improves the environment of the region, which indirectly affects the life of every individual.
TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo has good cooperation with all institutions and organizations dealing with specific areas of the environmental protection at local, national and international level.
Healthy and safe environment is the base for TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo business and development. Therefore, one of the main segments of the business philosophy of the Company is related to the environmental protection and improvement, and the business is performed in accordance with the environmental requirements and standards ISO 14001.
TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo continually assesses its actual and potential environmental impacts for the purpose of creating the bases for activities management that take into account environmental protection requirements. When specifying environmental impacts, including those that might occur in accidental situations, impacts on air, water, soil, natural resources, flora, fauna and people are analyzed.
Considering the type of services performed, the Company especially pays attention to activities for preventing possible accidents and to the prevention of soil pollution, surface water flows, groundwater and air, as well as to prevent injuries and illnesses at work.
TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo – the example of successful business
Socially responsible business, rationalization of expenses and corporate management are the key factors of successful business in TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo.
At the ceremonial conference of the Assembly of Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce on April 16, 2014 in Novi Sad, TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo was awarded the prize for remarkable economic achievements and the contribution to development of Vojvodina economy in whole and thereby to the entire country. Since its foundation in 2005, Transnafta is doing business with financial profit and participates actively in enhancing of economical and cultural development of the local communities where it operates.
TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo is financed from its own funds and the major part of the profit which it continuously acquires, is paid in the budget of the Republic of Serbia. With rationalization of business activities in 2013 the saving of approximately one mil Euros was accomplished. In order to improve the efficiency of its business activities and thereby to strengthen the market position and increase its profit, TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo entered into the corporatization process.
Accepting the concept of socially responsible business which also includes the need to invest a part of the income in the community where it is generated, a number of projects of the local community were supported. The responsibility which TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo has in creating the economy and social values represents one of the vital segments of the business policy of the Company.
Regarding the business activity it performs, TRANSNAFTA JSC Pancevo pays special attention to the environment protection, security and health at work, as well as the energy consumption, all in accordance with Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001. The Company became recently the first public enterprise in Serbia which has certified its energy management system in accordance with the International Standard ISO 50001:2011. Besides, by the implementation of ISO 27001 Standard and certification of its information security management system it grew as the only company in the country which has implemented and is operating in compliance with the requirements of five international standards.